Below you will find the exhibitor agreement. When registering online, you will be able to accept this agreement as part of your order. Otherwise, we ask that you mail, email, or fax a signed exhibitor agreement. Thank you.
Printable Exhibitor Agreement Form
By registering for this event, you agree to the following:
This 2025 VRWA Annual Conference Exhibitor Agreement is made between Virginia Rural Water Association (VRWA) and (Insert Name of Corporation), Exhibitor. VRWA will have complete control of the exhibit hall. VRWA will assign all exhibit space on a first-come, first-serve basis starting with member request. VRWA will provide display of space as indicated on this agreement and the official floor plan, insofar as possible but reserves the right to make any changes necessary in case of any emergency and in the interest of the exhibit area. VRWA has the right for refusal of any contract of any exhibitor based on lack of space, failure to submit contract with payment in a timely manner or incompatibility with VRWA’s objectives.
Consent for Use of Photographic Images: Your registration and participation in any Virginia Rural Water Association (VRWA) function hereby grants VRWA to take and use photographs and/or digital images for use in news releases and/or educational materials. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, websites, and other electronic communications. Your name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). No compensation will be given for use of images. All negatives, prints, digital reproductions will be property of VRWA.
Exhibitor Responsibility
- Exhibitor will have their booth set up by 5:30pm, Monday, April 14, 2025. The booth will remain set up until 11:30am, Wednesday, April 16, 2025. After 11:30am, April 17, 2024, exhibitors may break down and clear their space. Breaking down prior to 11:30am, Wednesday will jeopardize their standing to participate in future conferences.
- Exhibitors need to have a representative present at their booth during the following times:
Monday, April 14 – Sneak Preview 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday, April 15 – Exhibit Hall open 7:30am – 6:00pm
Wednesday, April 16 – Exhibit Hall open 7:30am – 11:30am
- If an exhibitor has an unexpected change of plans, cannot participate in the conference, or must leave early, they must email the VRWA office at as soon as possible.
- Smoking or vaping is prohibited at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center.
- Exhibitor may not sublet or assign any of their space to others.
- All booth representatives will only have booth’s company name listed. No exceptions.
- Advertising or canvassing outside the individual exhibitor’s booth is prohibited.
- No public address systems will be allowed. Any audio/visual presentation equipment must be limited to the hearing area of booth. VRWA will not be accountable for copyrighted music.
- Exhibitors may not distribute food or beverages unless obtained or approved through the Hotel Roanoke.
- Combustible materials and explosives are prohibited; fire extinguishers and exits must not be obstructed.
- Exhibitors should set up no more equipment than what will fit in their assigned space(s). Any exhibitor who brings more equipment than will fit in their space must move the excess equipment from the exhibit hall and other VRWA Conference exhibit areas. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
- Exhibitors or their agents shall not injure or deface any part of the exhibit building, the booths, or booth contents or show equipment and decor including, but not limited to, signs or other articles posted, nailed, taped, stapled or otherwise affixed to any pillars, doors, walls, or other parts of the building. Back and sidewall drapery and framework is designed for the support of drapery only. The suspension of display materials from the framework or drapery is prohibited. All frame work is interconnected. The collapse of one booth could easily cause a domino effect. Serious personal injury and property damage could be a result of non-compliance to this rule.
- All property of the exhibitor remains under his/her custody and control in transit to and from the exhibit hall areas and while it is in the confines of the exhibit hall areas. Neither VRWA staff, its service contractors, the management of the exhibit hall nor any of the officers, staff members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property or exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes, and the exhibitor expressly waives and releases any claim of demand he may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the exhibitor. VRWA is not responsible for Exhibitor Booth and property. A security guard will be on duty after hours.
- Exhibitors shall assume all responsibility of any loss or injury they may cause, and they shall hold harmless the VRWA and the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia for all liability and damages from whatever causes. Exhibitors wishing to insure their goods must do so at their own expense.
Exhibitor will be responsible for their own lodging. 
Rooms are reserved at:
The Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center
110 Shenandoah Avenue
Roanoke VA 24016
Toll Free: (866) 594-4722
Room Cut off is March 11, 2025
Rate: $169.00/night + taxes
Be sure and ask for the VRWA Conference Rate
One night non-refundable deposit is required
Parking will be $15.00 self-park and $21.00 for valet parking*
(*Prices subject to change.)
For cancellations made on or prior to March 7, 2025, exhibitors will be refunded their exhibit fee less $200 administration fee. After March 8, 2024, exhibitors will forfeit the entire exhibit fee unless booth space can be resold. If space is resold, exhibitor will be reimbursed fee minus the $200 admin fee.
Full payment must be received with agreement and contract.
By registering for this event, you agree to all terms and conditions as written.